Monday, September 14, 2009

Starting an Online Business: Affiliate Marketing #1

This means that your promote other people products and cash the checks! You don't have to worry about creating a product, customer support, making sure the payments go through dealing with shipping/fulfillment tech admin etc. Its a simple proposition, if you send a person to your afflilites website and that person buys (or completes an action like filling out a form). You get paid!

A working definition of "affiliate marketing" is commission selling for online merchants. The merchant gives you, the affiliate, a link to put on your website that is coded with a number assingned specifically to you. So, if a person clicks on your link, visits the merchants site, and makes purchase, you get a percentage of the sale and commission check. So basically your getting paid for the referral or perhaps the click that leads to the sale.

Doesn't this sound good.
This is the first in a series of posts! follow me on twitter @gaborsareczky to keep updated.
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